Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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  • Dong-Oan Seo

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Graphyne is a cousion of graphene with sp-hybridized acetylenic linkage connecting sp2 bonding in graphene.

Thermal expansion of graphyne

We have investigated the thermal expansion behaviors of three different types (α, β, and γ) of graphyne which is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope composed of sp and sp2 bonds. We have found that all three types of graphyne exhibit negative in-plane thermal expansion. The observed in-plane thermal contraction can be attributed to the ripple effect, similarly in graphene. However, the ripple effect itself is not sufficient to explain anomalously larger thermal contraction found in graphyne than in graphene. Our deliberate analysis on the phonon modes observed in graphyne enables us to discover another source causing such amplified contraction behavior. We found that there are particular phonon modes with frequencies around a few hundreds of cm-1 existing exclusively in graphyne that may fill empty spaces resulting in area reduction. These modes are attributed to the libration of “rigid units” composed of triple bonds

Strain-induced metal-insulator transition in graphyne

We have found a strain-induced metal-insulator transition in graphyne blah blah

lab/research/graphyne.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/09 01:35 (external edit)