Lab Introduction
Members' Pages
Principal Investigator
Research Professor
Ph.D. Students
M.S. Students
Undergraduate Students
- Eunseo Hong
- Ramyun Lee
Welcome to Computational NanoPhysics Laboratory (CNPL), the Kwon Group at Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University!! The members in CNPL are interested in diverse nanostructured materials and unusual phenomena observed. To investigate their various properties and explain those phenomena, we are using several theoretical and computational methods including ab initio density functional theory. Computational NanoPhysics Laboratory is led by Prof. Young-Kyun Kwon.
Computational NanoPhysics Laboratory always welcomes anyone interested in theoretical condensed matter physics and computational materials physics. Currently we have open positions for undergraduates, graduates, and postdoctoral researchers. If you are interested in our Group, click the animated images below to see our Research Highlights.
If you want to join the Group and if you have any questions, please contact Prof. Kwon or any group members (their contact information can be found on their pages listed in the sidebar).
Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 02447, Korea
Office: +82-2-961-9279, Fax: +82-2-961-0815, Email:
Lab: +82-2-961-2280, Admin (Ms. Sungmin Joo): +82-2-961-0230