Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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  • Kang Il Cho
  • Dong-Oan Seo

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Table of Contents


The 20th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (asia) (Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, October 30-November 1)

  • [10/31] Strain-induced topological quantum phase transition in phosphorene oxide
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Sungjong Woo, Young-Kyun Kwon

Recent Progress In Graphene & 2D Materials Research (rpgr) (Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore, Septermber 19-22)

  • [3/21] Thermal Transport Properties of Single-Layer Gray-Arsenic
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Young-Kyun Kwon

The 13th KIAS Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations (kias) (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea, June 14-15)

  • [6/15] Importance of Anisotropic Coulomb Interaction in Mn3O4
    Sangmoon Yoon, Miyoung Kim, and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [6/15] Low lattice thermal conductivity in Phosphorene Oxide
    Seungjun Lee, Seoung-Hun Kang and Young-Kyun Kwon

KPS Spring Conference (kpss) (Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Chungnam, Korea, April 19-21)

  • [4/19] Thermal Transport Properties of Monolayer Gray-Arsenic using Electon-Phono coupling
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Young-Kyun Kwon

APS March Meeting (aps) (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 13-17)

  • [3/14] Exact Thermal Transport Properties of Gray-Arsenic using Electon-Phonon Coupling
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Young-Kyun Kwon

lab/presentations/2017.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/04 21:12 (external edit)