Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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Principal Investigator

Research Professor

Ph.D. Students

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Undergraduate Students

  • Kang Il Cho
  • Dong-Oan Seo

Supporting Staff

Former Members


Table of Contents


KPS Fall Conference (Pheonix Park, Pyeong Chang, Korea, October 24-26)

  • [10/24] First-Principle Study of the Adsorption of Li Atom on Carbon Nanofoam Structure
    Hanjin Park, Sora Park and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [10/24] Vibrational and Thermal Properties of T-carbon Structures
    Ho-Sik Choi, Seoung-Hun Kang and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [10/24] Computational Study on Device Characteristics of Punctured Devices based on Carbon Nanotubes
    Chang-Sun Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [10/24] Ab initio Study of H2S Sensing Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube-based Sensors
    Hyung-June Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [10/24] Atomistic Structures of Self-assembled One-Dimensional Metal-Molecule Hybrid Chains on Ag (111) Surface
    Bon-Gil Koo and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [10/24] Doping and Electric Field Effects on Perfect and Vacancies Boron Nitride as Substrate of Carbon Nanotubes
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Gunn Kim and Young-Kyun Kwon

The 8th kias workshop for electronic structure calculations (kias, seoul, korea, june 21-22)

  • [6/21] Atomistic Structures of Self-assembled One-Dimensional Metal-Molecule Hybrid Chains on Ag (111) Surface
    Bon-Gil Koo and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [6/21] Interlayer interaction effect on the structural, electronic, and thermal properties of layered MS2 (M=Mo, W) structures and their application
    Seoung-Hun Kang and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [6/21] Ab initio Study of H2S Sensing Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube-based Sensors
    Hyung-June Lee, Sora Park, and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [6/21] Computational Study on the Electronic Transport Properties of carbon nano foams
    Sora Park and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [6/21] Computational study of the punctured carbon nanotube channel of field effect transistor
    Chang-Sun Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

KPS Spring Conference (Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, April 25-27)

  • [4/25] First-principal Study on the Electronic Transport Properties of Rigidly Interconnected Carbon Nano Foam
    Sora Park and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/25] Computational study of the punctured carbon nanotube device characteristics
    Chang-Sun Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/25] Physical origin of One-Dimensional Metal-Molecule Hybrid Chains Self-Assembled on Ag (111) Surface
    Bon-Gil Koo and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/25] Ab initio study of the structural, electronic and thermal expansiton properties of layered MS2 (M=Mo, W) structures and their application to Li ion batteries
    Seoung-Hun Kang and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/25] H2S Sensing Mechanism of  Carbon Nanotube-based Sensors : First Principles Study
    Hyung-June Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

APS March Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, February 27-March 2)

  • [3/2] Effect of Interlayer Interaction on the Structural, Electronic, and Thermal Properties of Layered MS2 (M=Mo, W) structures
    Seoung-Hun Kang, Sora Park, and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [3/1] First-Principles Study of One-Dimensional Metal-Molecule Hybrid Chains Self-Assembled on Ag Substrate
    Bon-Gil Koo and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [2/29] Computational Study of the Thermal and Electronic Transport Properties of Rigidly-Interconnected Carbon Nano Foam
    Sora Park, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek

  • [2/28] Enhancing mechanical toughness of aluminum surfaces by nanoboron implantation: An ab initio study
    Zhen Zhu, Dae-Gyeon Kwon, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek

lab/presentations/2012.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/10 15:15 (external edit)