Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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Lab Introduction

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Principal Investigator

Research Professor

Ph.D. Students

M.S. Students

Undergraduate Students

  • Kang Il Cho
  • Dong-Oan Seo

Supporting Staff

Former Members


Table of Contents


Fall Symposium of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity (kstp) (Park Hyatt, Busan, Korea, November 24-26)

  • [11/25] Charge effects in structural deformation and phonon properties: First-principles study
    Young-Kyun Kwon

2021 KPS Fall Meeting (kpsf) (Virtual conference, Korea, October 20-22)

  • [10/22] Uncovering Rashba Effects Hidden in Two-Dimensional Si2Bi2
    Young-Kyun Kwon and Seungjun Lee (invited)

The 17th KIAS Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations (kias) (Virtual conference, Korea, July 1-2)

  • [7/1] Giant Hidden Rashba Effect in Two-dimensional Bi2Si2 with an Inversion Symmetry
    Young-Kyun Kwon and Seungjun Lee (invited)

Seminar at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) (skias) (Seoul, Korea, May 28)

  • [5/28] Anisotropic Coulomb interaction and superexchange coupling of multivalent Mn3O4
    Young-Kyun Kwon (invited)

KPS spring conference (kpss) (Virtual Conference, April 21-23)

  • [4/23] Two-dimensional deep ultraviolet light emitter based hexagonal boron nitride
    Seungmin Park, Dongjae Seo, Kyungho Park, Minhyun Cho, Sunho Park, Seungjun Lee, Heon-jin Choi, Young Dong Kim, Keon-ho Yoo, Il Ki Han, Young-Kyun Kwon, and Young Duck Kim

  • [4/22] First principle study of the coalescence of large grains on a Cu (111) surface
    Hyung-June Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/21] Strain induced topological phase transition of Si2Bi2: First-Principles Study
    Dameul Jeong, Seungwoo Yoo, JunyeopJeon, SeungjunLee and Young-KyunKwon

APS March Meeting (aps) (Virtual, March 15-19)

  • [3/15] First-principles study on Giant Hidden Rashba Effects in novel Two-Dimensional Si2Bi2
    Seungjun Lee and Young-Kyun Kwon

lab/presentations/2021.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/22 11:22 (external edit)