Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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To access an article of one of our publications, please click the title or button, which leads to the article page in the corresponding publisher.
Unless the paper is open access, a subscription will be required. or arxiv.jpg button will provide its open access version or preprint version.
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Total citations: 9466; h-index: 34 as of March 16, 2024
(For updated data, see Citations in Google Scholar)
Published in various journals:
(*Information on the impact factor (IF) & journal ranking of each journal can be found by clicking a link given as a footnote. You may be required to log into the InCites Journal Citation Reports by the Clarivate Analytics for SCIE journals. Sometimes, your first click may lead to a “Search” page. If so, close the page and then click the link again.)

lab/publications/2200.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/25 13:46 (external edit)