Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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  • [06.19] Congratulations!! Seungjun Lee won the poster presentation prize at 2015 KIAS conference.
  • [04.23] Congratulations!! Cheol-Woon Kim won the poster presentation prize at 2015 spring KPS.
  • [02.11] Congratulations!! Hosin Song received her B.S. degree.
  • [01.20] Dae-Gyeon Kwon and Prof. Kwon have published a paper “Enhancing mechanical toughness of aluminum surfaces by nano-boron implantation: An ab initio study” (Chem. Phys. Lett. 620, 25-28 (2015)) in collaboration with Prof. David Tomanek at Michigan State University, USA.
  • [01.07] Seoung-Hun Kang and Prof. Kwon have published a paper “Is hexagonal boron nitride always good as a substrate for carbon-based devices?” (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (7), 5072-5077 (2015)) in collaboration with Prof. Gunn Kim at Sejong University.
lab/news/2015.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/22 00:22 by solidwiki