Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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Lab Introduction

Members' Pages

Principal Investigator

Research Professor

Ph.D. Students

M.S. Students

Undergraduate Students

  • Kang Il Cho
  • Dong-Oan Seo

Supporting Staff

Former Members


KPS Spring Conference (kpss) (Daejeon, April 24- 26)

  • [4/?] Role of Indium in phase change mechanism of AgInSb18Te4: First Principle Study
    Hanjin Park, Dasol Kim, Mann-Ho Cho and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/24] Low thermal conductivity in phosphorene oxide: role of the flexible oxygen
    Seungjun Lee, Seoung-hun Kang, and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/24] Comparative study for single defect states in hexagonal boron nitride
    Sunho Park, and Young-Kyun Kwon

  • [4/24] Consquences of symmetry misrepresentation of α-GeTe
    Hyeongryul Kim, and Young-Kyun Kwon

lab/presentations/2019/kpss.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/25 17:20 (external edit)