Kwon Group, Physics, Kyung Hee University

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Patents in Computational NanoPhysics Laboratory

Patents registered

    • Main Purpose: Operation of a cryogenic hydrogen storage system that contains a porous medium configured to absorb hydrogen
    • Inventors: Keith Bradley, Jeff Wyatt, Seung-Hoon Jhi, Young-Kyun Kwon, Jean-Christophe P. Gabriel, and George Gruner
    • issued on May 02, 2006, link:US 7,036,324 export: bibtex
    • Main Purpose: Operation of a cryogenic hydrogen storage system that contains a porous medium configured to absorb hydrogen.
    • Inventors: Keith Bradley, Jeff Wyatt, Seung-Hoon Jhi, Young-Kyun Kwon, Jean-Christophe P. Gabriel, and George Gruner
    • issued on December 28, 2004, link:US 6,834,508 export: bibtex

Patent Applications

lab/patents.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/13 11:41 by ykkwon